Tobiasz Stefan Hurwicz (1887-1949) was one of Max‘s sons, therefore Adek and Helenka‘s brother.

Ari Kolbar (born in 1946 in Dzierżoniów, Poland), who emigrated from Poland to Israel in 1957, wrote me in an email:

As you know, our grandparents lived in Warsaw in Graniczna Street 10 and 11, just before the war. My mother* just got married, so they might have lived with my mother’s parents, Stefan and Helena.

When the war broke out, they probably moved to Białystok, as my father was born there and his whole family lived there. I’m not sure how long they lived there. I know that your grandparents moved there too.

(In another email, Ari said: Stefan with wife Helena/Hela/Chaja Minc and my parents, Malwina and Izaak and his brother, Israel, left Warsaw when war broke and moved to Białystok where my father comes from, where all his family lived and perished in the Shoah.)

At some point my parents moved east to Ufa, a city in the Kawkaz mountains, where both my parents and Helena worked in a hospital. it must have been before 1941, as my brother Max was born at that year there. I don’t know what Stefan was doing there at that time.

In 1945/6 they came back to Poland and settled down in Dzierzoniow, probably because they were not allowed to return to Warsaw. All Jews returning from Russia were instructed to settle down there in houses of expelled Germans. I was born there in 46 and Roza-Varda a year later.

In ’49 we all were, for sure, back in Warsaw, as Stefan died that year, in a hospital in Warsaw. I have his death certificate.

But I was twice in two cemeteries in Warsaw and could not locate his grave. Very strange. There is no recording of his grave in Okopowa cemetery and in the other one – Brudna – there is no office at all.

The manager in Okopowa told me that there was a lot of chaos with recordings at that time…… perhaps something would show up in the future as they try to make more order with the graves registrations.

* Malwina Hurwicz (1910-1978)

Tobjasz Stefan Hurwicz
b: 22 AUG 1887
d: 13 SEP 1949
  • 22 AUG 1887 - Birth - ; Poland
  • 13 SEP 1949 - Death - Y ; Warszawa, Poland
  • Education - Engineer
Tobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin
1831 - May 7, 1874
Maks Mojzesz Hurwicz
1862 - March 7, 1927
Tobjasz Stefan Hurwicz
22 AUG 1887 - 13 SEP 1949
Sara Lea Frydland
1862 - May 6, 1934
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Maks Mojzesz Hurwicz
Birth1862Shavlany, Lithuania
DeathMarch 7, 1927 Moscow
Marriageto Sara Lea Frydland
FatherTobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin
MotherElka Razajczyk
PARENT (F) Sara Lea Frydland
DeathMay 6, 1934 Moscow, Russia
Marriageto Maks Mojzesz Hurwicz
FatherCheskel Frydland
MotherMiriam Batszeva Kocyn
MTobjasz Stefan Hurwicz
Birth22 AUG 1887Poland
Death13 SEP 1949Warszawa, Poland
Marriageto Chaja Ejdla - Helena Minc
MAdolf Abraham (Adek) Hurwicz
Birth10 DEC 1889Warsaw
Death4 AUG 1981Minneapolis, MN
Marriageto Sophie Zina Salamon
MSolomon Monjo Hurwicz
FDwojra Dora Hurwicz
Marriageto Nachum Zacharin
FRachela Raya Hurwicz
Marriageto Naum
FHelen Hurwicz
Birth9 MAY 1905Poland
Death6 MAR 1998Minneapolis, MN
Marriageto Shura Shavzin
FFelicia Hurwicz
Marriageto Yakov Abramson
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Tobjasz Stefan Hurwicz
Birth22 AUG 1887Poland
Death13 SEP 1949 Warszawa, Poland
Marriageto Chaja Ejdla - Helena Minc
FatherMaks Mojzesz Hurwicz
MotherSara Lea Frydland
PARENT (F) Chaja Ejdla - Helena Minc
Birth25 AUG 1888Warszawa, Poland
Death25 MAR 1967 Holon, Israel
Marriageto Tobjasz Stefan Hurwicz
FatherLeib Minc Mintz
FMalwina Malka Mala Hurwicz
Birth14 AUG 1910Warszawa
Death20 MAR 1978Israel
Marriageto Izaak Izydor kowalek-Kowalski
Descendancy Chart
Tobjasz Stefan Hurwicz b: 22 AUG 1887 d: 13 SEP 1949
Chaja Ejdla - Helena Minc b: 25 AUG 1888 d: 25 MAR 1967
Malwina Malka Mala Hurwicz b: 14 AUG 1910 d: 20 MAR 1978
Izaak Izydor kowalek-Kowalski b: 13 JUN 1907 d: 10 MAR 1972
Roy Benjamin Kowalsky b: 27 JUL 1976
Max Maksym Mika Kowalski b: 13 JUN 1941
Varda Roza Kowalski b: NOV 1947 d: 25 NOV 2008
Tzachi Karol b: 16 SEP 1973
Hilla Karol b: 12 DEC 1974
Liam Benishti b: 19 FEB 2005
Romi Benishti b: 19 FEB 2005
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