Tevye and Elka

These are Adek‘s paternal grandparents, that is, the parents of Max Hurwicz and Morris Kotzin. There was also an older sister, Leah Dwojra (or Dwora or Dwejra), who married Icchak Cohen. Adek told Leo that they lived in Kojdany (probably Kėdainiai, about 32 miles north of Kaunas in Lithuania). They had five children: Dawid Zelig, Moshe Ber, Miriam, Cypora and Tyla. Leo met Miriam in Geneva in 1948, apparently with her son Don and daughter Karpas. Miriam married a man named Sachs.

Leo mentioned Dawid Zelig and Moshe Ber being in Vancouver, Canada. Sol mentions that Ted travelled to Canada towards the end of 1919: “So we stayed in Warsaw and the two oldest brothers [i.e. Ted and Bernard. mh] went to the university over there — actually, it was like a high school — and they lived with an uncle and aunt.”

Tevye (or Tewje in the Polish spelling) died in 1874 and is buried in Warsaw. Here’s a link to his information on Virtual Cemetery.  According to his grave stone, he was 43 when he died.  (Third line from the bottom on the stone: בשנה הארבעים ישלש. Also in English under “additional info.”) (For pictures of the grave site, see “Kocyn Genealogy Research Report, page 4″.) This contradicts the inscription on the picture below, which says he died at age 48. Elka outlived him by many years, dying in late 1911 or early 1912.

There is a family story about someone who shaved his beard, much to the distress of his father, since it was traditional for Jewish men to wear beards. However, this young man was modern and not religious, and shaving his beard signified that. However, when it came time to have his picture taken, his father begged him to grow a beard, so that at least his beardless state would not be immortalized. I had wondered if that young man might be Tevye. However, I found an email that I wrote some years ago saying that it was Max. So, I’m going with that, quoting myself as a reliable source!

Tobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin
b: 1831
d: May 7, 1874
  • 1831 - Birth - approx.
  • May 7, 1874 - Death - Kocyn_research_report_2018_07_10.pdf p.9; Warsaw, Poland
Tobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin
1831 - May 7, 1874

Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Kocyn Kotzin
Marriageto Kocyn Kotzin
FMiriam Batszeva Kocyn
Marriageto Cheskel Frydland
MTobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin
DeathMay 7, 1874Warsaw, Poland
Marriageto Elka Razajczyk
MTodres Kocyn Kotzin
Marriageto Chaja Rivka
MNatan Kocyn Kotzin
MMeyer Kocyn Kotzin
MMoishe Beer Kocyn Kotzin
Marriageto Kocyn Kotzin
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Tobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin
DeathMay 7, 1874 Warsaw, Poland
Marriageto Elka Razajczyk
FatherKocyn Kotzin
PARENT (F) Elka Razajczyk
Marriageto Tobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin
FLea Dwora Kocyn Kotzin
Marriageto Icchak Cohen
MMoses (Moshe, Moritz) Kocyn Kotzin
Marriageto Helen (Chaya Feigel) Friedland
MMaks Mojzesz Hurwicz
Birth1862Shavlany, Lithuania
DeathMarch 7, 1927Moscow
Marriageto Sara Lea Frydland
Descendancy Chart
Tobiasz Tuvya Kocyn Kotzin b: 1831 d: May 7, 1874
Shlomo Solomon Kocyn Kotzin b: 1906 d: 1994
Chana Ann Kotzin (Née Brickman) b: 1907 d: October 3, 2003
Michael Kotzin b: 6 MAY 1941 d: ABT OCT 2015
Judy Walchirk b: 11 NOV 1943
Morissa Kocyn Kotzin b: ABT 1937
Alon Amittai b: 1969
Dekel Amittai b: 1971
Oren Amittai b: 20 AUG 1975
Moshe Morey Kocyn Kotzin b: 1928 d: 1946
Leib Yechezkel Kocyn Kotzin b: 1942 d: 1991
Maks Mojzesz Hurwicz b: 1862 d: March 7, 1927
Sara Lea Frydland b: 1862 d: May 6, 1934
Tobjasz Stefan Hurwicz b: 22 AUG 1887 d: 13 SEP 1949
Chaja Ejdla - Helena Minc b: 25 AUG 1888 d: 25 MAR 1967
Malwina Malka Mala Hurwicz b: 14 AUG 1910 d: 20 MAR 1978
Izaak Izydor kowalek-Kowalski b: 13 JUN 1907 d: 10 MAR 1972
Roy Benjamin Kowalsky b: 27 JUL 1976
Max Maksym Mika Kowalski b: 13 JUN 1941
Varda Roza Kowalski b: NOV 1947 d: 25 NOV 2008
Tzachi Karol b: 16 SEP 1973
Hilla Karol b: 12 DEC 1974
Liam Benishti b: 19 FEB 2005
Romi Benishti b: 19 FEB 2005
Adolf Abraham (Adek) Hurwicz b: 10 DEC 1889 d: 4 AUG 1981
Sophie Zina Salamon b: June 12, 1893 d: February, 1956
Henry Hurwicz b: 1922 d: 2010
Leo Leonid Hurwicz b: 21 AUG 1917 d: 24 JUN 2008
Evelyn Jensen b: 31 OCT 1923 d: 22 NOV 2016
Ruth Hurwicz b: 25 MAY 1951
Prof. David Markovitz b: 25 FEB 1954
Lara Markovitz b: 1983
Adam Markovitz b: 13 FEB 1987
Michael Mike Hurwicz b: 18 JAN 1949
Linda Cheryl Bryant b: 2-8-53
Maxim Hurwicz b: 5 SEP 1953
Roxanne Blanco b: 14 Jun 1959
Roxanne Blanco b: 14 Jun 1959
Nicole Blanco-Hurwicz b: 13 Nov 1982
Sarah Hurwicz b: 7 DEC 1946
Jon Kogut b: 17 MAY 1945
Sophie Kogut b: 23 AUG 1967
Brian Ashley Judd b: 5 JAN 1968
Dwojra Dora Hurwicz b: 1892 d: 1933
Mara Marina Zacharin b: 1928 d: 2006
Max Zacharin b: 17 MAY 1958
Kira Volvovsky b: 19 SEP 1968
Yonatan Zacharin b: 15 FEB 2003
Daniel Zacharin b: 27 DEC 2004
Uri Zacharin b: 16 MAR 2010
Helen Hurwicz b: 9 MAY 1905 d: 6 MAR 1998
Masha Shavzin b: 1964
Boris Abramson b: 1945 d: 1984
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