Red Cross Letters, 1939

It appears that, in late 1939, with the help of the Red Cross, Leo learned that his family had departed for Białystok.

Brief vom fünfzehnten november und anfrage durch rote kreuz vom neunzehten. erhalten. meine studien gesundheit bester ordnung küsse Loluś.

Letter of November fifteenth and inquiry by Red Cross of nineteenth. stop. my studies (and) health in good shape kisses loluś.

Mitteilung für den empfanger (nicht über 25 worte, nur personliche Familiennachrichten)

Message for the recipient (no more than 25 words, only personal family messages)

antwort umseitig

answer overleaf (i.e. on the other side)

Adresatka wyjediała do Białegostoku (Rosje). Adres blizszy nieznany. Informacji udzielili lokatorzy

The addressee left for Białystok (Russia). Closer address unknown. The information was provided by the tenants.

Leonid Hurwicz Papers, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Box 23, File: Correspondence 1938 Nov21-10 Sept 1940 1
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