Michael Hurwicz: Publications
Special Edition Using Macromedia Studio MX 2004 (Que Corporation, 2003)
Special Edition Using Macromedia Flash MX, with Laura McCabe (Que Corporation, 2003)
Inside APPC (Architecture Technology, 1987)
Networking with the IBM PC Network and Cluster (TAB Books, 1985)
The Meltese Dodo (Irthlingz, 2016) A short history of climate change science told through a loose parody of The Maltese Falcon. Recommended by the National Science Teachers Association.
Orcas-American Dictionary & Phrase Book & Gazeteer (5th Amendment, 1997)
Market Research and Related Writing
Arnold IT
2002-2003: Market research and consulting on residential gateways, consumer gaming platforms and search engines.
1999: “Distributed Computing Platforms”
Technology Forecast
(editor: Andrew Binstock)
Electronic Trend Publications
1996: “The Worldwide ISDN Market and Trends”,
(editor: Michael Durr)
Video Tutorials
Virtual Training Corporation (3ds max, Flash, Swift 3D)
Creative COW (3ds max, Edge Animate, Sony Vegas, HTML5)
“Bridging Web Design and Development with Adobe Extract” (Creative COW: September 2014)
“Creating Automatic Transcripts in Flash Video Using Adobe CS4” (Streaming Media, April 2009)
“Flash CS3 Professional Video Studio Techniques” by Robert Reinhardt (Book Review) (Creative COW: September 2008)
“Vegas 8 Pro, Raylight and Windows Vista” (Creative COW: January 2008)
Autodesk 3ds max 8: A Richer, Faster, Easier Version? (Videography Magazine: March, 2006, p. 51)
Macromedia Studio 8 (Computer Graphics World: September, 2005)
Autodesk Combustion 4 (Computer Graphics World: August, 2005, p. 68 of the linked PDF)
Sony Vegas 6 (Creative COW: July, 2005)
Discreet 3ds max 7 Has Character (Videography Magazine, March, 2005, p. 100)
Wireless Web Anywhere (March, 2003)
Reality ColdFusion MX: Flash MX Integration (book review) (Creative COW: March, 2003)
3ds max 5 Fundamentals (book review) (Creative COW: January, 2003)
Discreet Plasma (Dr. Dobbs: January, 2003) — originally in New Architect Magazine
Discreet Plasma: Dedicated tool for authoring and deploying 3-D content on the Web (New Architect: January, 2003)
Web Services Made Easy: Macromedia ColdFusion MX (New Architect: October, 2002)
Wildform Flix Pro 3.0 — (Designer Today: September, 2002) — designertoday.com – no longer online — hover for summary
by Michael Hurwicz
“Flix Pro beats the built-in video compression in Flash MX…producing smaller, better quality files…The video import function in Flash MX, based on a Sorensen Spark codec, produced dramatically inferior results…A more interesting question is how Flix Pro compares with Sorenson Squeeze…On the basic quality-versus-file-size question, the two products are competitive…[but] I wasn’t able to produce a SWF file With Sorensen Squeeze that was sufficiently close to the 500KB file from Flix Pro”
Attack of the Space Data (Dr. Dobbs: August, 2002) — originally in New Architect Magazine
Olympic Gold (Dr. Dobbs: June, 2002) — originally in New Architect Magazine
The ABGs of wireless LANs (Computerworld: May, 2002)
When Small Is Better: How Google’s AdWords system is changing online advertising
(Dr. Dobbs: May, 2002) — originally in New Architect Magazine
From Complaints to Awards : A makeover put BART back on track (Dr. Dobbs: March, 2002) — originally in New Architect Magazine
One Part Gin, Two Parts Branding (Dr. Dobbs: March, 2002) — originally in New Architect Magazine
Emerging Technology: Peer-To-Peer Networking Security (IT Architect: February, 2002) — no longer online
Discreet Illustrate’s Improving Flash Output (Designer Today: January, 2002) — no longer online
The Return of Micropayments (Dr. Dobbs: December, 2001) — originally in Web Techniques
Three Good Books on Flash 5 (Designer Today: July, 2001)
Director 8.5 – Creating “Fog” (Designer Today: May, 2001)
“Groove Networks: Think Globally, Store Locally” (IT Architect: May, 2001) — no longer online
“Flix Brings Video into the Internet Age” (Webtools: March 2, 2001, no longer online)
Debris from Dot Com Crash Hits Animators (Animation World Network: January, 2001)
Toy Stories: Merchandising Success Without TV or Movie Exposure (Animation World Network: October, 2000)
Getting Started with VRML in 3D Studio MAX R3.1 (Web Developers Journal: 2000) – no longer online
Everything You Ever Wanted to Do with Particles, but Were Afraid to Try (Designer Today: July, 2000)
Particle Studio, A Digimation Plug-In for 3D Studio MAX (Designer Today: June, 2000)
Understanding Motion Graphics (Designer Today: June, 2000)
Web Virtual Reality and 3D – in VRML or XML (2000) – Web Developers Journal — no longer online
Harping on MIDI (Gary Garritan) (Electronic Musician: July, 1995) no longer online
This page lists three articles written for Byte in 1998: "Behind the Benchmarks" (April), "Storing Smart Saves Space" (March) and "Cracker tracking: tighter security with intrusion detection" (January).
Centralized management lowers costs and simplifies maintenance of desktop computers. (Byte: January, 1998 — link is full text OCR)
The Universal Inbox — (Byte: September, 1997) — no longer online
Getting Messages via the Universal Inbox — same as above, republished in New Straits Times in 1998
This page contains references to eight articles written for Datamation between 1994 and 1996.
References to “A printer for all networks” (Publish: December, 1993): 1 2
Co-author on "Surveying far-flung networks", (Byte, August, 1992): listed here
"Even Users Who See Promise. Are Still Troubled By Questions," Computerworfd, Dec. 12, 1988, p. 69. Full text here: https://fox.cs.vt.edu/VAD1/AITOPIC/CW/COMTEXT1.TXT
"Connectivity Pathways: APPC or NETBIOS", (PC Tech, November 1987, p. 156): mentioned here