Letter to Leo from Zina, January, 1946
Przyjechalam interesownie do Warszawy — I just arrived in Warsaw for business
a ze Maniek jedzie w tych dniach — and that Maniek is going these days
so this may been hand carried
Henry is big and strong, totally immersed in his studies, and he shouts, “Mom don’t speak to me, I’m studying!”
Daddy is working as a lawyer, but does not have a private practice
I’m working in the home, cooking, cleaning, mending, laundry
mamy takie skape – we have such limited (stringy) information
to aunt helen, we already wrote separately, to Broncha as well, but for xxxx we don’t have their addresses, so kiss them from us, in my eyes they are still young boys, but in reality they are fully grown (serious) men
kiss your Evelyn, who Madzia tells us is very handsome and nice (pleasant)
przystojna – good looking, in a classy way (very handsome)
i mila, b. (bardzo) sie (tail) – i am very happy
kissing you strongly – with all my heart